‌ڤیدیۆ: كارداشیان له‌ ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ خۆیدا یادی كرسمسی كرده‌وه‌

وێستگە ستایل-

ئه‌ستێره‌ی‌ ته‌له‌فیزۆنی ئه‌مه‌ریكی "كیم كارداشیان" ئاهه‌نگی سه‌ری ساڵی له‌ ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ خۆیدا یادكرده‌وه‌ بۆ یه‌كه‌مجار له‌ كاتێكدا ساڵانی ڕابردوو دایكی كیم" كریس جینر" ئه‌م ئاهه‌نگه‌ی‌ له‌ ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ خۆیدا ئه‌نجام ده‌دا.

كیم بۆ ئه‌م ئاهه‌نگه‌ دیكۆری ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ به‌ به‌فری ده‌ستكرد ڕازاندۆته‌وه‌ و له‌ كوچه‌كانی ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ په‌یكه‌ری له‌ به‌فر دروستكراوی داناوه‌ و میوانداری ئه‌ستێره‌ و كه‌سایه‌تی ناوداری كردوه‌ و له‌وانه‌ش خانمه‌ گۆرانیبێژی ناودار"جنیڤه‌ر لۆپێز و خانمه‌ نمایشكه‌ره‌ جلوبه‌رگه‌ ناوداره‌كان و میراتگری زنجیره‌ ئوتێه‌له‌كانی هیلتۆن پاریس هیلتۆن و گۆرانیبێژ جۆن لیجیند و چه‌ندین كه‌سایه‌تی دیكه‌ی‌ ناودار.

ئه‌م خانمه‌ چه‌ندین وێنه‌ و ڤیدیۆی ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ خۆی بڵاوكردته‌وه‌  له‌ هه‌ژماره‌ تایبه‌ته‌كانی له‌ تۆڕه‌ كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كان كه‌ تیایدا ده‌رده‌كه‌وێت ماڵه‌كه‌ی‌ به‌ به‌فری ده‌ستكرد ڕازاندۆته‌وه‌.

Pricey: It was all worth it as cameras were rolling for the next season of Keeping Up With The Kardashians. 'The party needs to be eye-popping because it sets the tone for their empire, it creates a fantasy world and makes people want to tune in so $500,000 is nothing for them because it helps sell the show, it helps sell the makeup, it helps sell the jeans,' said the source

So many people to feed: There were rows and rows of chairs for the event 
For the little ones: There was also an area just for the kids with small chairs and sheepskin throws

A winter castle that looked like heaven: There were balloons and beautiful ornaments everywhere

It's like being in Norway: There was snow everywhere even on this walk way along with mature trees

So much sugar everywhere the eye could go: There were stands that had cupcakes, chocolate kisses, candy sticks, Rice Krispie treats and cookies

A little surreal: This hallway was pure white with covered walls that gave off a futuristic look

They brought snow to California: There was an enormous cost with bringing snow to the entire back yard of the home

An aunt and her niece: The college graduate seemed thrilled with the small child, who was born in April


ئه‌م بابه‌ته 1817 جار خوێنراوه‌ته‌وه‌‌